Plans could be structured/restructured at any time during the planning process.

When you look at the first instance, it’s important to distinguish between planning and a plan.
Planning is an ongoing process, from when you receive the essay title to when you submit your final draft.
An agenda is a outline that is physical of way you wish to conceptualise, structure and present your ideas.

Only at that true point it’s time to write your first plan. However, usually do not stop doing research yet. Why not?

Remember that a strategy is simply that—a plan. It could be modified you might discover some different perspectives or issues you hadn’t previously anticipated after you do more research.

Example: Developing an essay plan after research (linear style)

Title: “Chocolate is a healthy food.” Discuss.

Context for paper – popularity of chocolate.
Issue – whether chocolate is a healthy food is questionable.
Thesis chocolate that is be enjoyable yet not healthy.
Scope – (only 4 aspects are covered here to help keep the example short)

Positive: Can positively effect on mood
Positive: Possible health benefits for cardiovascular system
Negative: Chocolate can be seen as a drug in the place of a food
Negative: Potential correlation between over-consumption of chocolate and obesity

Main body
Paragraph 1 with possible sources
Ways in which chocolate make a difference positively on mood. ‘Feel good effect’ – Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006), Scholey and Owen (2013), Macht and Dettmer (2006) and Macht and Mueller (2007).

Could be the chocolate and improved mood scenario measurable/transient? Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006) – chocolate mood effects do not last. Macht and Dettmer (2006) – anticipation effect and much more studies needed.

Paragraph 2
Possible advantages of chocolate on cardiovascular health – how s that are much/what type( of chocolate have benefit? (Sources had a need to help answer these questions.)
Issues with measuring correlation between chocolate consumption and cardiovascular health. (Sources needed to help answer this.)

Paragraph 3
Chocolate best regarded as a food or a drug?
Indulgence or addiction – will be the boundaries unclear? (see just what external sources have to state on this)
Medication elements of chocolate? (Readings needed for this issue.)

Paragraph 4
The correlation between chocolate and obesity.
(Definition of obesity needed.)
What does the literature say with regards to other factors that are causal?

Summary of four arguments presented.
Chocolate is certainly not a balanced diet,|food that is healthy however it is enjoyable nevertheless.

Example: Developed essay plan (linear style)

Title: “Chocolate is a healthy food.” Discuss.

Context for paper – popularity of chocolate.
Issue – whether chocolate is a healthy food is questionable.
Thesis – chocolate may be enjoyable although not healthy.
Scope – (only 4 aspects are covered here to keep the example short)

Positive: Can positively effect on mood
Positive: Possible health benefits for cardiovascular system
Negative: Chocolate can be seen as a drug in place of a food
Negative: Potential correlation between over-consumption of chocolate and obesity

Main body
Paragraph 1
Ways in which chocolate can impact positively on mood. ‘Feel good effect’-Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006), Scholey and Owen (2013), Macht and Dettmer (2006) and Macht and Mueller (2007)

May be the chocolate and improved mood scenario measurable/transient? Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006) chocolate mood effects do not last. Macht and Dettmer (2006) – anticipation effect and more studies needed.

Paragraph 2
Possible advantages of chocolate on cardiovascular health – how much/what type(s) of chocolate have benefit? Can offer heart-friendly flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002) – is great for blood clotting and is anti-inflammatory (Schramm et al., 2001)
Maximising great things about chocolate is based on minimising fat levels (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002). Current processes destroy flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002). Note the change of focus from the idea that is originalcorrelation between chocolate consumption and cardiovascular health) as a result of not enough research data available.

Paragraph 3
Chocolate best seen as a food or a drug?
Addiction or indulgenc – are the boundaries unclear? Chocolate contains some ingredients that are biologically active however in small amounts (Bruinsma & Taren, 1999). ‘Chocolate addicts’ – negative correlation: chocolate consumption and mood (Macdiramid & Hetherington, 1995) but chocolate cravings sensory in place of addictive (Bruinsma & Taren,1999).
Medication components of chocolate? Used in reference to magnesium deficiency in females (Pennington, 2000 in Steinberg et al., 2003). Findings concur with Abraham and Lubran (1981) who found a correlation between magnesium deficiency and nervous tension in women.
Note the narrow focus of medical benefits (for example. Only magnesium that is considering as a result of the short amount of the essay.

Paragraph 4
The correlation between obesity and chocolate.
No correlation that is specific in literature (Beckett, 2008; Lambert, 2009). Note the findings show that there is no relationship that is clear chocolate and obesity – a concern flagged when you look at the introduction. Typified by Mellor’s (2013) findings – adults showed no weight increase after chocolate controlled diet. Lambert (2009) exemplified that chocolate consumption alone unlikely to precipitate obesity.
‘Chocoholic’ more likely to consume other foods that are sweet less likely to exercise up to others. Chocolate consumption thus marginal in reasons for obesity.

Summary of four arguments presented
Chocolate is not a food that is healthy but it is enjoyable nevertheless.

It might seem strange to give some thought to writing your conclusion before you write your body of the essay, but until you know where you stand going you can easily lose direction. Also, the final outcome could be the thing that is last reader actually reads, therefore it needs to be memorable.

You can find a true number of questions you need to ask yourself, such as for instance:

How will everything finish?
what exactly are you aiming for?
What final impression do you want your readers to own?

Your conclusion ties your essay together. It will normally:

  • Start with a link to the preceding paragraph.
  • Restate your thesis and summarise your principal points.
  • End with a broad statement relating towards the importance of your argument.

So, our chocolate essay conclusion should mirror this pattern.

In conclusion should not just repeat the ideas from the introduction. The introduction includes the back ground to your essay, the issues that are important a thesis statement. The introduction leads your reader in to the essay. In conclusion reminds your reader of the main points built in your essay and leaves your reader with a final impression and ideas to think about later.

Chocolate essay conclusion

(A) the initial sentence links the conclusion to your discussion when you look at the paragraph that is previous.
(B) The following sentences restate the main points and reaffirm the thesis.
(C) the sentence that is last a broad statement regarding the need for the argument.

(A) Obesity and chocolate consumption seemingly have no proven correlations. (B) Yet, in this article, many chocolate focused arguments have already been presented, like the transient aftereffect of chocolate on mood and evidence that it’s as likely to create feelings of guilt as of well-being. Another possible positive dimension to chocolate is a correlation with cardiovascular health. Yet the possibility great things about flavanols in chocolate are currently offset by the high fat/carbohydrate content of most types of chocolate. Whether chocolate is a food or a drug can also be unclear. The literature outlines the chemical properties of chocolate which could help explain some addictive type behaviour, especially in regards to nervous tension in women, but in addition there was a very good research focus on chocolate as a sensory-based indulgence. (C) It can therefore be said that chocolate is certainly not a food that is healthy but could be enjoyed included in a healthier and balanced diet and lifestyle.

In the middle of the essay lie your body paragraphs. Typically, a physical body paragraph will follow the format below.

The subject sentence can work as a sentence of transition from the paragraph that is previous.

The Topic Sentence should unambiguously express the main topic of the paragraph and start to become related to the overall thesis regarding the essay.

Elaboration of this main point should add more detailed information in relation to the topic sentence.

Examples and Evidence should support your main point using paraphrases, summaries or direct quotations, each of which should be appropriately referenced.

The Concluding Sentence should echo the main point regarding the paragraph and work as a bridge into the next paragraph.