RAWA House Hearing Not Really a Big Hit with OGR Users

The House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee listened to views on the Restoration of America’s Wire Act on Wednesday, the time that is second has been the niche of the home hearing.

RAWA gets around more, yet continues to be as unloved, as that certain girl you went to school with.

AKA the Restoration of America’s Wire Act, RAWA was heard in the House of Representatives on during an Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) session titled, ‘A Casino in Every Smartphone: Law Enforcement Implications. wednesday’

(we are not sure when they were making a play regarding the old Herbert Hoover slogan ‘A Chicken in almost every Pot’ with that session name, but choice that is interesting anyway.)

Four witnesses brought their expected expertise to Washington, DC, to testify on Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s (R-Utah) legislation that would restore the Wire Act to its pre-2011 interpretation. Four years back, the Department of Justice ruled that the pre-Internet 1961 federal legislation didn’t necessarily prohibit online gambling, effectively opening states to legalize online casinos.

‘We’ve had attorneys that are numerous, numerous governors saying, ‘You can’t do this to your state,” Chaffetz said in their remarks. ‘ You just don’t unilaterally change the statutory law having an OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion.

‘ That poses a nagging problem for lots of states. States that have legalized gambling, states like myself [sic] that have no gaming, and don’t wish to possess any video gaming,’ Chaffetz declared.

Defining RAWA

‘ The interpretation of the Wire Act is a question before 2011 also it remains a question now,’ State Senator Mark Lipparelli (R-Nevada) testified. ‘You have a situation now where you have old law which hasn’t kept up with innovation.’

Lipparelli was instrumental in bringing online poker to Nevada, as he formerly served while the chairman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Throughout the RAWA hearing, Lipparelli was routinely contacted to defend legalization, which he did successfully, according to observers that are many.

Lost throughout the hearing was a central understanding of just what comprises ‘legal online gambling’ versus ‘illegal online gambling’.

FBI Assistant Director for the Criminal Investigative Division Joseph Campbell provided several instances where his unit has infiltrated criminal syndicates, concealing their identity online to launder money. However, when asked to offer accounts of any currently legal and regulated gambling operator’s transgressions in the same vein, Campbell said he could not furnish such examples.

Republican South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson swore that his state’s experience with land-based video poker has been a huge negative, and that ‘gambling addictions proliferated exponentially.’

‘Despite South Carolina’s continued most useful efforts over the decades to protect our citizens through the threats posed by gambling, the Department of Justice’s revised interpretation of the Wire Act has opened the doorway to Web gambling, potentially turning any mobile device inside our state in to a virtual casino.’

Nebraska attorney Donald Kleine then also expressed issues about states legalizing gambling on computers and smartphones. ‘on the web gambling easily crosses domestic and international edges and can often be accessed by anyone with online access,’ Kleine explained.

Location, Location, Not Just Location

A shared trepidation among RAWA supporters is that present technology cannot accurately identify the whereabouts of the individual trying to enter a casino that is online. ‘ I think it’s naïve at best to think it is possible to put a wall on the net,’ Chaffetz claimed.

But Chaffetz, who also serves due to the fact OGR chair, said his concerns are a lot more than simply location.

‘Location is … a core part of it, but it addittionally is due to your actual age, it has related to your intoxication (level), it has to do with a host that is whole of,’ Chaffetz detailed.

Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Alabama) also voiced fears about an adolescent obtaining a hold of a smartphone with a casino app installed and losing the adult owner’s entire bankroll. Lipparelli responded by declaring that such a concern isn’t particular to online gambling, and that it’s no more dangerous, or simply also less dangerous due to regulated iGaming controls, than a youth receiving a charge card and going shopping that is crazy the net.

Those that did attend seemed apprehensive in voting to have Congress get involved with deciding the fate of online gambling for all 50 states though the majority of the 43 OGR committee members skipped the RAWA discussion.

OGR Website Censored

Viewers can afford to watch the RAWA conversation in its entirety on the OGR website, or watch three carefully chosen excerpts posted underneath the session that is hours-long.

Though the conference had been well-rounded and lively, the 3 clips on the OGR website appears to highlight the best exchanges of primarily RAWA proponents.

Chaffetz’s whole inquiry, which was said to be limited to 5 minutes, but ran for over nine, is available for viewing in its entirety. As are comments from Wilson as he recounts an account where a young child died in a hot car outside a casino as the mom compulsively gambled inside.

Palmer’s questioning, including his opinion that gambling targets the indegent, can additionally be watched. Palmer was one of, or perhaps the only real, representative in attendance that came across as in help of RAWA, besides bill sponsor Chaffetz, of course.

Meyer Lansky Heirs Seek Compensation Claim for Cuban Casino

Meyer Lansky, ‘the Mob’s Accountant,’ who fled the Cuban Revolution, leaving his Havana casinos behind him. (Image: museumsyndicate.com)

When Meyer Lansky built the Habana Riviera Hotel and Casino in 1957, Havana was moving.

It ended up being, during the time, the largest purpose-built hotel in the world and Ginger Rogers played on the opening night.

Lansky complained that while Rogers could ‘wiggle her ass’ she ‘couldn’t sing a goddam note,’ but the popular Jewish mobster ended up being happy sufficient.

After all, times had been good: he had installed himself in the suite that is presidential within the first year he would make $3 million from his new project.

But revolution had been in the air, and in 1959 Lansky was forced to flee the nation, as was his friend that is great dictator and President of Cuba Fulgencio Batista, under whose patronage the United states Mafia had flourished in Cuba.

Many of Havana’s gambling enterprises were damaged within the fighting and looting as Castro’s forces swarmed into town. In 1960 all of Cuba’s hotels had been nationalized and gambling became illegal.

The entranceway is Open

But, history lesson aside, now that the usa has restored diplomatic ties with its old foe, there is talk of honoring 50-year-old legal claims relating to the revolutionary confiscation of property, and Lansky’s heirs believe they have a claim in the Riviera.

Gary Rapoport, a propane that is industrial from Florida and Lansky’s grandson, says that his mother, his uncle and he, as beneficiaries of Lansky’s trust, should be entitled to some kind of compensation.

‘The hotel was taken from my grandfather forcefully,’ he told NBC Miami. ‘Cuba owes my loved ones money.’

‘Trust me,’ he proceeded, ‘I’m perhaps not looking to move down to Cuba and take over the business. I believe my children is entitled to something.

‘ We never filed a claim with the federal government or hired an attorney earlier because we don’t think the doorway for negotiating would ever actually open. Now it’s open’

‘ Governments change their mind on a complete lot of various things. I’m looking he added at it as a businessman.

Did Lansky Die Broke?

Meyer Lansky, dubbed the Mob’s accountant, ended up being a teenage friend of Bugsy Siegel and Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano who does later become the mind of the Genovese Crime Family. He began their career, with Siegel, running a bootlegging that is violent during Prohibition, but eventually developed a gambling empire that stretched across the world.

Despite a career that is lifelong planned crime, he was never ever convicted of anything even worse than unlawful gambling.

Lansky invested hugely in Cuba, and the revolution cost him millions. He was ostensibly broke, although the FBI believed he had squirreled away some $300 million into offshore bank accounts when he died, in 1983 of lung cancer, aged 80.

It is unclear whether his family does have a claim regarding the Riviera. The revolutionaries of 1959 were furious utilizing the corruption of the Batista government and particularly utilizing the real way the dictator had sold off land and assets towards the United states Mafia.

Court Bars DraftKings and FanDuel from Operating in New York

Justice Manuel Mendez, whom sided with New York Attorney General Schneiderman and granted an injunction against DraftKings and FanDuel today. (Image: uptowncollective.com)

DraftKings and FanDuel have actually suffered a huge blow in their appropriate battle to continue to operate in hawaii of the latest York.

A judge granted the injunction sought by the New York Attorney General’s Office that prevents the operators from taking bets from New Yorkers for the duration of the case today.

FanDuel decided to suspend its operations in the state until the outcome of today’s hearing, while DraftKings had defiantly continued to take bets, but must now stop to do this.

While that is maybe not the end of the lawsuit between your day-to-day dream sports operators and New York, the indications are ominous for the sites; the court would be unlikely to grant the injunction without strongly favoring the place of the attorney general.

Legal Skirmishes

The litigation escalated in mid-November when AG Eric Schneiderman wrote cease and desist letters to the two sites informing them that their operations constituted ‘illegal gambling’ under ny legislation.

Both sites launched legal action against the AG’s office in order to challenge the opinion and protect their business in the state while New York’s DFS fans protested on the streets.

They also launched an unsuccessful request for a short-term restraining order to avoid Schneiderman from issuing the injunction that was given today.

Lawyers for web sites spent hours that are several a New York Assembly hearing on DFS on Tuesday arguing that the training had been a game of skill and that transparency and player protection had been paramount to your industry.

‘ We want to work with you to make sure that fantasy competitions are appropriate, safe for customers, and continue to produce the great entertainment value that has driven our growth over the past couple of years,’ FanDuel’s counsel for policy and government affairs Cory Fox told assembled lawmakers in Albany.

‘ We believe the most readily useful path forward for the dream sports industry is always to create regulatory solutions that will allow the millions of users who love dream sports to play.’

Something of Value

But today in court the question that is simple Justice Manuel Mendez was necessary to answer had been whether setting a DFS line-up is really a skill or a wager. It is, he responded, the latter.

Web sites’ lawyers had argued that since they were not taking ‘wagers’ but entry costs DFS could not be viewed as gambling under state law, a quarrel that Mendez dismissed.

‘New York State law that is penal not refer to ‘wagering’ or ‘betting,’ instead it states that a person, ‘risks one thing of value,” he said. ‘The payment of a ‘entry fee’ as high as $10,600 using one or more competitions daily could undoubtedly be deemed risking ‘something of value.”